Thank You & Congratulations...

Don't forget to purchase your copy of Leadershift.

 Leadershift mastermind

You did it!

You signed up for the Mastermind and I am absolutely excited to share this experience with you.

To get the most from our Mastermind, you'll need to purchase and start reading Leadershift. 

I promise you'll use this book as a reference guide in the future. You can likely pick it up at your local bookstore, order through Amazon, or you might be able to even check it out at your local library.

We will have our first call on 1st May at 1:00pm NZT and you should use the following link to join:

Conference Link:

Now for your first assignment…

Read the first chapter of Leadershift before our first call as this will lay a foundation for your experience.

Now for a quick question…

What would make this Mastermind a success for you? (As in, what outcome do you want to achieve?)

Look out for more information in your in box in the next few days.

I look forward to Masterminding with you!
Andy Rolston

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